先日の「第28回全国龍馬ファンの集い in 九州」で「坂本龍馬とジョン・F・ケネディ: 「勇気ある2人 」」というタイトルで、この2人の案外な共通点について講演させていただきました。これについてこの数年間考えてきましたが、日本語による出版に向かって詳しく執筆中です。
Earlier this month I spoke at the 28th national convention of “Ryoma fans” in Fukuoka about some uncanny similarities between Sakamoto Ryoma and John F. Kennedy, which I have been thinking about for many years. Currently I am writing about this in greater detail toward publishing a book on this subject in Japanese. In the future I hope to write a book on the subject in English as well.
Read about the life and times of Sakamoto Ryoma in the only biographical novel of the great man in English: