Sakamoto Ryōma’s legacy is based on a series of unparalleled historical achievements during the last few years of his short life: Japan’s first trading company, the Satsuma-Chōshū Alliance, and his great plan for peaceful restoration of Imperial rule. I have discussed these in detail in my books, including Ryoma: Life of a Renaissance Samurai, Samurai Revolution, and Samurai Assassins.
Here I present the first of ten often overlooked facts to take a closer look at Sakamoto Ryōma, the man.
1) Genius: As I mentioned in Samurai Assassins, Ryōma was a visionary and a genius—if genius means to conceive of original ideas and to have the courage and audacity to bring them to fruition. Nietzsche, Ryōma’s contemporary, alluded to genius with the following statement: “When a human being resists his whole age and stops it at the gate to demand an accounting, this must have influence.” Based on his determined resistance to the social iniquities and restraints under the Tokugawa Bakufu and its archaic feudal system, Ryōma influenced “his whole age” through the historical achievements mentioned above.