“You gotta have big dreams!” でっかい夢を持たなきゃいかんぜよ。

If you travel to Sakamoto Ryoma’s hometown of Kochi you will find all kinds of “Ryoma goods,” such as this toy that says four “Ryoma-isms,” splendidly pronounced in the Tosa dialect. Its repertoire includes the above quote, along with the following three, translated by me:
“Your heart must always be as big as the Pacific Ocean.” (心はいつも太平洋ぜよ。)
“Don’t’ worry about little things.” (小さな事にこだわってちゃいかんぜよ。)
“Cheer up!” (クヨクヨしてちゃいかんぜよ。)
This toy was a gift from my Japanese teacher, Mrs. Tae Moriyama, a native of Kochi, years ago while I was writing my novel Ryoma: Life of a Renaissance Samurai. I can’t say that I’ve actually ever come across any of these Ryoma-isms in my research (lol), but I think that whoever produced this toy captured Ryoma’s personality quite well.